
Your most valuable asset!

Some of us are blessed with children – some are not.

Some of us will suffer the unfortunate circumstances of a relationship breakdown – some might not.

Statistical data suggests that the chance of a relationship breakdown is about the same for married and non-married couples – you have one chance in two.

So, if you are unfortunate enough to suffer a relationship breakdown, then before you take the wrong turn on the course to resolution of property and parenting matters, just stop for a moment and consider your position – particularly the impact a wrong turn might have on your most valuable asset.

If you answer the question – ‘What is your most valuable asset in your relationship”- by declaring that material assets are, then STOP. Don’t read on because this blog is not for you.

I would suggest that for those who have children, their response would be without question – ‘Our children’.

So, sitting down and calmly considering you position when you are facing or going through a relationship breakdown is essential.

Children are born out of love – the love you had for your partner, though that might not be the case now. No one takes on the task of bearing and raising children without a great deal of contemplation and understanding of what is required.

So, what is the best way to care for your children in the short term and the long term? What is the best way to be sure that the needs and wants of your children are provided for?

The first and most logical step is to discuss with your partner the wishes each of you have for the children and their long term development.

How is this done? Well firstly, the emotion, upset and hurt which is usually attendant in a relationship breakdown has to be put aside. Secondly, you and your partner need to identify how are the needs and requirements of the children are to be met. Thirdly, you and your partner need to work out what is the best way of achieving the goals which you have set for the needs and requirements of the children.

The collaborative approach to resolution of not only the needs and requirements of your children, but also property issues, is the approach we recommend to clients. We do this because we know from experience the hurt to you, the generally unintended damage to your children and the unnecessary legal costs which flow from adopting a combative approach to resolving your relationship breakdown.

If minimising harm to yourself, your children and saving legal fees appeal to you, then give Lesley Powell of Milburns Law [4125 6333] or Don Gayler of Gayler Legal [4124 7100] a call. They will be happy to discuss the collaborative option with you. Lesley and Don are both experienced lawyers who have the best interests of their clients at heart – they are caring, have integrity and a real desire to assist you.