Family Pet Dog

Who let the dogs out … or alternatively, who gets the dog?

So who let the dogs out? Don’t let your fur child be collateral damage when your relationship breaks down.

When we think about a relationship breakdown we know that the welfare of children is vitally important but then there are other important souls to consider as well.

Our loyal and devoted furry friends need to be considered too. Who will take your pets and who will care for them? Loyalty and devotion are to be rewarded and not forgotten in the turmoil of a relationship breakdown.

The Family Law Act 1975 defines and includes animals as property.

Perhaps sad but certainly true, but courts simply consider pets in the same way they would any other property, like a car or a television.

So if you can’t decide with your former partner who is to take your pet then it will be left to a court to determine who gets your pet.

Making a decision on who the true owner of a pet is or should be will be determined on questioning both partners about their relationship with the pet.

Issues such as where children are residing and what their relationship is with the pet, who is the registered owner of the pet with the council, who is on the microchip record, who cares for the pet (feeds it, baths it, walks it etc) will all be taken into account.

So don’t forget that very important member of the family – they have feelings – they care about you, so don’t let them down. Make proper arrangements for the welfare of your pet – lacking thought or being cruel where your pets are concerned is not an option.




Family Law Centre - Blog Signature - Don Gayler